Chemin du Signal 15
1296 Coppet

Table of contents (index)

  1. Reservation board
    1. Main Menu
    2. Board
  2. Booking
    1. Registration
    2. Confirmation
    3. Cancellation
    4. Important remark concerning refresh
  3. Calendar
    1. Choice of the day
    2. Today
    3. Per week
  4. My profile
    1. Change profile data
    2. Password forgotten
  5. My Account
    1. Login
    2. Data displayed
  6. My Bookings
  7. Find partner
    1. Login
    2. Defining search criteria
    3. Edit your announcement
  8. Kiosk
    1. Menu
    2. Booking
  9. Booking from smartphone
    1. Android
    2. IPhone


FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions